Moving to blogger…

So that I have more options and more features with which to WOW you with my creative genius I am moving this blog to blogger. Find me at

Free Journal Card…

A lot of the scrapbook magazines (more on this tomorrow) have great online features that are available to everyone regardless of your subscription.

This link:

…will lead you to a journal card that you can download and write on for those moments when you have something to say, and no page to say it on yet!

Why no photos?

Yup, I know. I haven’t posted any photos or projects in a long time.

It’s not that I haven’t taken any. I’ve taken a lot and I’ve even made a dozen or so pages over the last month.

The reason is: I’m lazy.

To scan a page takes at least 5 steps, maybe more depending on if you count each physical stair I have to trek to get to the scanner. And…let’s face it…a photo just doesn’t a layout justice most of the time.

If you have any tips on how to make the scan/stitch/re-size/edit/post process of layout photos to this blog…let me know.